Our home economics project was a white satin puffy cloud mobile with rainbow- hued rain - mine was mighty wonky with a capital M and W but I couldn't have been happier and hung it up in my bedroom. I was 10, it was the 80's and rainbows were big. I will indulge a little nostalgia but no rainbow heart stickers, Mork suspenders or multicolored legwarmers.
Love the people rainbow. She is brilliant {and Canadian, as my husband reminds me}.
More happy rainbows seen on just about everyone's bookshelves lately including Lotta Jansdotter's in the latest issue of Blueprint, and this gorgeous example {A} seen on Design Sponge. B. This great photo is from Flickr. Color wheels are so intriguing. There are some wonderful color wheel inspired projects in the new book Last Minute Patchwork + Quilted Gifts by Joelle Hoverson, read more about it at the Purl Bee. C. Colored pencils from Fred Flare. I might have a hard time sharing these with the kids. D. Painting by Gary Lang, via Another Shade Of Grey . E. Wonderful photograph mosaics of all sorts of things from Tom Magliery see more at Flickr .
Candy is good.