Leaf blowers suck.
No. 1 - Gorgeous photograph from Luo Shaoyang's Flickr stream , Fragrant Hills, Beijing, China. No. 2, No. 5 and No. 9 - works by Andy Goldsworthy. He is brilliant - pure and simple. Studied him in college - his books are full of beautiful photographs capturing his temporal works. An interesting video of him working here. No. 3 and No. 8 - Durmast Oak and Turkey Oak by Alison Foshee. These are made of staples, people! I have liked her work for some time - these are older pieces, newer works have included candy wrappers, push pins and labels. No. 4 and No. 7- Having spent most of my college years in the metal shop, I have a real affinity for these pieces. Steel filigree shovels and wheelbarrow by Cal Lane at the Foley Gallery are the most intriguing metal sculptures I have seen in a long while. Her work is stunning. No. 6 - Beautiful fall fireworks from Jeffsmallwood 's Flickr stream.